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Just In Time Ministries

* Stay tuned for all older, archived program episodes to be available via Omegaman Vault

* To consider having Pastor Gary speak on your program, at a function or for a church service, please connect with him via e-mail at or through 'Contact' on the menu above.

Listen to archived Omegaman Radio programs hosted by

Pastor Gary Stafford

2015 & 2016

Archived Program Episodes

Episode #2944  11.3.15
God is Mustering the Troops: Gary Stafford, Guest Host for Joe Cohen's Program
Guest speaker: Dennis Brown (miraculous healing)
Episode #2971  11.10.15
Preparing for God's Spirit: Gary Stafford, Guest Host and speaker for Joe Cohen's Program
Episode #3002  11.17.15
A Must for All Believers: Joe Cohen, Host
Guest speaker: Gary Stafford
Episode #3107  12.16.15
God Wants to Use You, Will You Obey?: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker
Episode #3136  12.23.15
Spirit of Giving and Receiving: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Sharon Stafford (miraculous healing after major brain surgery - 20 yrs later)
Episode #3192  1.13.16
Receiving Your Gift of the Spirit: Gary Stafford, Host 
Guest speaker: Dennis Brown (of The Healing Room, Charlotte, North Carolina)
Episode #3236  2.10.16
Get Out of the Boat: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker
Episode #3275  2.23.16
All Things Work Together for Good for Those Who Know The Lord: Joe Cohen, Host
Guest speakers: Gary Stafford and Allan Cohen
Episode #3279  2.24.16
On to the Mission Field: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: International Missionary, Pastor John Cava
Episode #3310  3.9.16
Called into the Service for the Lord: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker 
Episode #3333  3.16.16
Out of the Iron Furnace Came the Gift of Healing: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Jim Armstrong (gift of healing)
Episode #3370  3.30.16
Moving in the Gift of Faith: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Ms. Freddie Power, International Missionary, Book: Crazy Faith: Inspirational True Stories From The Heart of a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. 
Episode #3408  4.13.16
Warriors, Be Healed and Empowered: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker 
Episode #3422  5.4.16
Empowered for God's Glory: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker
Mysteries of the Bible:  Site of the Red Sea crossing by Israelites 
Episode #3436  5.11.16
My Grief - God's Grace: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Nick DeMarco - Protected from 9/11 World Trade Center Attack
Episode #3458  5.18.16
Healing & Equipping God's Warriors: Gary Stafford, Host and speaker
Mysteries of the Bible: Site of the Red Sea crossing & Mt. Sinai
Episode #3477  5.25.16
Equipping the Saints for Today's Battle: Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Mysteries of the Bible: Site of Noah's Ark
Episode #3494  6.1.16
Healing and Providing For the Forgotten : Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker:  Russell James - Outreach to orphans of Romania
Episode #3506  6.8.16
The Counsel of the Prophet for America: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker:  Bonnie Jones - Wife of prophet, Bob Jones
Episode #3525  6.15.16
The Power of Prayer: Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Example of answered prayers.
Episode #3556  6.29.16
Ark of the Covenant Revealed: Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Details about research that has been done as to the location of the Ark of the Covenant
Episode #3566  7.6.16
Rediscovering Your First Love: Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Episode #3584  7.13.16
Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker:  Bonnie Jones - Angelic visitations and prophetic words for 2016
Episode #3606  7.20.16
Surrender to the Call of God:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker:  Ed Sniadecki - International Missionary and The importance of home groups.
Episode #3624  7.27.16
Just In Time:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
How God moves in our lives, "just in time."
Episode #3639  8.3.16
The Gifts of The Holy Spirit:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Explaining the gifts that God has given to ALL His children.
Episode #3660  8.10.16
Called to be "a Nehemiah":  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Russell James
Rebuilding the Walls
Episode #3679  8.17.16
The Gifts of The Holy Spirit:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Bobby Hussey - From a one room Christian school to a full blown, top notch K-12 in 20 yrs!
Episode #3707  8.31.16
Love is a Many Splendid Thing:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Example of how God shows His love for us.
Episode #3720  9.7.16
Kumbaya My Lord:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
A number of testimonies shared by Gary Stafford of supernatural occurances of others experienced during the actual singing of the song, "Kumbaya My Lord," from it's writer and composer, Marvin Fry.
Episode #3743  9.14.16
Keep Looking At Your Success Stories:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Dave Lage - A man struck by lightning twice in his life has a God-given healing annointing; explaining how to walk out your healing in Christ.
Episode #3764  9.21.16
The Coming Days of Trial:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Personal testimony and potential problems facing people in the coming days.
Episode #3787  9.28.16
Setting the Captives Free:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Dennis Jahn - Shares stories about his prison ministry; how he prepares the inmates for release back into society.
Episode #3808  10.05.16
God's Miraculous Healing in This Day and Age:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speakers: Dave & Patty Lage - Witness to miraculous healings
Episode #3826  10.12.16
Miracles and Mysteries in the USA:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Miracles of healing, salvation for the lost, and being "translated" for God's purpose.
Episode #3844  10.19.16
Re-establishing the Connection with God:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: John Natale - Stories of reaching out to the church in prophecy & revelation.
Episode #3862  11.2.16
The Love of God, Family and Country:  Gary Stafford, Host and Speaker
Trump and the men in scripture - how truth sets us free to vote in a Godly fashion.
Episode #3873  11.9.16
God's Miracles, Signs and Wonders:  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Dennis Brown, Director of The Healing Room in Charlotte, North Carolina - A place where God's miracles, signs and wonders take place regularly.
Episode #3891  11.16.16
I Was A Gambler & Jesus Saved Me: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Joe Cohen
Episode #3913  11.23.16
Use What You Have: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Joe Cohen
Episode #3923  11.30.16
Are You Ready For An Adventure?  Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Rob Robinson, staff member of the Kingdom Business Associates, located in Fort Mill, South Carolina - travels the world ministering God into businesses.
Episode #3938  12.7.16
The Power of Patience: Gary Stafford, Host
The fruit of The Spirit and amazing stories of a salvation in Kenya.
Episode #3956  12.14.16
Those Who Have Been Called: Gary Stafford, Host
It's time for you to respond to the call God has on your life - Faithful is He who calls you.
Episode #3968  12.21.16
The Deck - Play to win: Gary Stafford, Host
Guest speaker: Mark Barnes, 30 year missionary in Brazil
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