God makes a way where there is no way. Justintimeministries.com

Just in Time Ministries, Jesus The Savior, Salvation in Jesus Christ, Help for the weary

The Holy Spirit descended like a dove.

God makes a way where there is no way. Justintimeministries.com
What We're About
We believe that God’s grace and mercy revealed through faith in His love for us, is the solution to all problems in this crazy world we live in today.
Just in Time Ministries believes in the common ground where all Christian denominations can work together to assist those in need; for are we not all "our brother's keeper?"
We share in the united belief in The Holy Trinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ the son of God, and The Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is the Word of God written through divine inspiration.
Every answer needed to rise above difficulties is provided in the Bible. The Lord's divine Word will elevate and strengthen people in times of trial.
Just in Time Ministries believes strongly in the power of prayer and can give testimony to its affect. God will find a way to speak to and guide anyone seeking His help.
Our Vision
Just in Time Ministries is here to bring faith, hope and the love of God through His everlasting Word. He supplies all the guidance, direction and revelation needed for a breakthrough, giving you strength.
Our purpose is to encourage you through God's love and prayer. Just in Time Ministries desires to bring The Lord's healing to you through the revelation of His Word. Learn how God can provide a course of direction and action for you that is pleasing to Him and a blessing to you.
There is great hope in understanding the call of God on your life and knowing that He has a divine plan for each one of you.
Life-changing Knowledge

Timely Featured Episodes
* We are currently in the process of receiving updated program links for new platforms. Thank you for your patience.
Episode #9764 10/12/2022
Host: Gary Stafford
Guest: Lynne Mattioni
Rachel's Cry Ministries: A ministry for those affected by abortion, crib death, inner-womb trauma, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Through all of this, God can bring a process of true healing.
Episode #9819 10/26/2022
Host: Gary & Marilyn Stafford
Guest: N/A
"Freedom IS a Choice"
Episode #8739 8/27/2021
Host: Shannon Davis
Guest: Sharon Stafford
HIS Rod and Staff Ministries
"A Little Mixture"
Are you unknowingly bringing curses into your life through "social trends" and spiritualism? What God says....
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We're back on Thursdays from 7:00-8:00 p.m. EST
- Pastor Gary Stafford hosts Omegaman Radio's program, courtesy of Shannon Davis.
- Receive inspiration, revelation and hope through incredible testimonies of people transformed through Christ's wisdom, healing, miracles, and provision
- Hear insightful teachings using scriptural references that can be applied to everyday life.
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Faith not Fear
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7
Don't Let Fear Cripple Your Walk
As a local pastor, I like to prepare my message early in the week, waiting on the Holy Spirit to prompt me and to direct me as to the message for that Sunday. However, what He gave me was a message with the title "Don't let fear cripple your walk." I was not happy with it at all, but since it was Monday, a lot could happen to change the message during the week.
Wednesday evening, I had to walk only four houses down to a Home Fellowship Meeting at a neighbor's home. I got halfway there when suddenly something snapped in my right leg, and I could not move one step in any direction.
It was eight o'clock at night - I was alone - standing in the middle of the street. By chance, my friend came by in his car, stopped and asked me, "What are you doing in the middle of the road?" I replied that I could not walk, but would he help me to get to where the body of Christ was meeting, that I might receive prayer. This he did, and when the meeting was over and after receiving prayer, the pain was so severe that everyone believed that I should go to the emergency room, only five minutes away. Thank God, the emergency room was quiet that evening. Within an hour I had received an injection of a painkiller, a leg brace and crutches before being sent home. Once home, I did not move for four days, as every move brought stabbing pain. The X-rays did not show that the leg was broken, but the swelling was too severe for an orthopedic doctor to examine the leg or do an MRI. I just had to wait.
Sunday morning I received a call from a pastor in Illinois, and he was excited. He had been waiting two hours to call, for fear of waking me. He blurted out, "God is going to do a miracle in your church service this morning!"
I was glad to hear it. The service was definitely going to need it, as I was going to need help getting there with a wheelchair and crutches, and besides, I had this message to give: " Don't let fear cripple your walk." The message seemed all the more amusing, as I gave it from the wheelchair, but the Holy Spirit had given me such a powerful message that people were coming forth, being delivered from fear, tears streaming down their faces - set free.
I was excited at the response, but where was the miracle that my pastor friend had mentioned would happen in the service? Suddenly, I heard something inside me say, "Stand Up." I rose to my feet and started walking, saying, "By Faith, I am walking out of here!"
My wife grabbed the crutches - a nurse who had helped me get to church ran to my side, and I waved her off, saying "God is healing me." Now, tears were forming in my eyes as I realized that the miracle prophesied that morning was for me. I walked out of the church, through the front door and down the stairs to the church parking lot, as others looked on in amazement. I was healed - and I was praising God.
The following Wednesday, I went to my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. To his amazement, there was nothing to treat, as his thorough examination revealed. I told him what had happened at the church that Sunday, and he nodded in belief, that there were some things that the medical profession could not explain. I know now that fear could have kept me in that wheelchair that Sunday morning. I also knew that my God answers prayers, and He has always been and is the great physician and my provider. If you let Him, He can do the very same for you.
Yes, it may take a walk of faith, but "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," Hebrews 11:1 NKJ.
- Pastor Gary Stafford